
Sente working to fight corruption

Our state has a sickening history of corruption in government, and so called “honest” politicians make excuses for their cronies or pass the blame. I am glad that Carol Sente is fighting to end this trend.

She came to my door collecting signatures for new legislation that will send crooked politicians to jail and revoke their cushy, taxpayer-funded pensions if they break the law while in office.

I was surprised to see an elected official going door-to-door to root out corruption and make officials accountable for their actions in Springfield. It is refreshing to see her take action against the corruption that has run rampant in this state for far too long.

I encourage my fellow citizens to support Carol Sente in her quest to fight corruption in Illinois as well as in her bid for election as state representative this November.

I am a firm believer that Rep. Sente will continue the outstanding work she has done as our state representative and continue to fight for what is best for Illinois.

Mike Meline

Vernon Hills