
Kane County Health Department: Safeguard your home and family against radon exposure

The Kane County Health Department is participating in the nationwide initiative in recognizing January as Radon Action Month to raise awareness about the dangers of radon exposure. It encourages residents to take proactive measures to protect their homes and families.

Radon is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless radioactive gas that can seep into homes through the ground and accumulate to potentially harmful levels.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, radon is the leading cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers and is responsible for thousands of deaths each year.

The EPA Map of Radon Zones designates Kane County as Zone 1, indicating the highest potential risk of radon exposure.

“Certain parts of the country have high radon levels due to the rocks and soil of the area,” said Michael Isaacson, executive director. “This makes it especially important for Kane County residents to know the level of radon in their homes.”

During Radon Action Month, the Kane County Health Department urges residents to take the following steps:

1. Test Your Home: Radon testing is simple and affordable. Home testing kits are widely available at local hardware stores or from the Kane County Health Department for $15 each. Radon testing is not just for property owners. Renters can use radon test kits, which are readily available and easy to use. If high radon levels are detected, renters should communicate the results to their landlords and discuss potential mitigation measures. It’s essential for both renters and landlords to work together to create a safe living environment and reduce radon exposure risks.

2. Mitigation: If elevated levels of radon are detected, consider consulting with a qualified radon mitigation professional. These experts can help reduce radon levels in your home, providing a safer living environment.

3. Educate Yourself: Learn more about the risks associated with radon exposure and its impact on health. The Kane County Health Department offers resources and information to help residents make informed decisions about radon mitigation at

4. Spread the Word: Share information about Radon Action Month with friends, family, and neighbors. Increased awareness can lead to more homes being tested, ultimately reducing the risk of radon-related health issues.

Residents can actively contribute to the well-being of the community by participating in Radon Action Month and taking steps to safeguard their homes. For more details, visit Kane County Health Department’s radon information page: Radon Information.

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