
Dold has valuable business experience

I believe the Nov. 2nd election will be monumental. Either we, as a country, will decide to continue our slide into an all-intrusive “nanny state” (European socialism) or we will reaffirm our historic preference for self-reliance.

The epitome of our self-reliant nature and our employment bedrock is the myriad small businesses that enable us to work and thrive unlike in any other place in the world. However, we cannot continue to endanger their viability. Big Government policies are breaking many small businesses and us, too.

It does not, as they say, take a rocket scientist to know we need to choose a representative to Congress with actual small-business knowledge and experience, not a college lecturer who can speak well in theory but knows nothing about business for sure. Businesses need to sustain themselves and grow in order to help end the mess our economy is in. That is really important. So experience counts!

In my 10th Congressional District we are wrestling with who is best qualified to represent us in Congress. Will it be Bob Dold or Dan Seals? Bob Dold is needed in Congress. Why? Dold's hands-on small-business experiences will bolster his valuable insights to convince the “power elite” that many of their actions stop small businesses in their tracks by impeding growth, causing delays in decision making, forcing time-consuming and unnecessary regulations, passing onerous insurance plans and taxing them beyond their ability to remain profitable. Perhaps most grievously, unwarranted congressional mandates hinder hiring new employees.

We do not need on-the-job-training representation. Choosing Bob Dold's experience, as a small-business owner, will pay big dividends by driving pro-business legislation, which means jobs. Sold on Dold yes, I am!

John F. Masoncup

Mount Prospect