
Stop entitlements; right financial ship

“Students for fiscal responsibility” offered a very good example of our government gone wild with spending the evening of May 16 at the Arcada Theater in downtown St. Charles. A very interested group of area residents attended to learn just how much these young people care about our lagging economy and fiscal insanity.

Charlie Kirk and Mike Diamond presented their groups material that evening. Their group consists of some 2,000 members all across the state of Illinois and branching out to many other states.

The fact is, poor planning on the part of many in government over the past 30 and 40 years will hand these fine youngsters one huge debt to manage and pay off. It was estimated that each adult now owes about $138,000. Taking that number a step further, a family owes $276,000. You only thought you owned your own home, sorry about that.

In 10 years, at the rate of borrowing to pay entitlements and other reckless spending, the interest on our national debt will consume 90 percent of our federal budget. Are we OK with that?

At the end of their presentation, Charles and Mike turned the program over to the audience for a Q & A session. Many in the audience took a turn asking solid/rational questions. Both Charles and Mike fielded them with rational answers.

The bottom line — the cost of what we expect from government has caused overload. There are just not sufficient tax dollars to fund the many entitlements that have been given over many years and that causes the heavy borrowing to continue each year. We have to get real and stop looking for an endless supply of “free stuff.”

Ron Petrucci

Campton Hills

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