
No more bailouts

No more bailouts ever!

If your company made a mistake — too bad. Suck it up and swallow it the same way every American citizen has to.

No more taking our Social Security money and Medicare money we Americans have worked so very hard for our whole lives and call it “excess.” There is no excess. That’s our money. It belongs to us.

There are many people right here in the Good Old USA that have whole families evicted onto the street with just the shirt on their backs. There are many homeless people, including our veterans. Shouldn’t we take care of our own first?

If I sound upset, I am. I am tired of our country getting into wars we can’t win and wasting our young people’s lives and our money for nothing and making so many mistakes.

Stop using our grandchildren and great grandchildren for your ATM.

The people of the United States are tired of paying for the fun our government is having at the taxpayers’ expense. Those people should have to all pay it back, as should all the bailouts in the past that should have been treated as loans with interest.

Verna Homewood


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