
Sente deserves a full term in House

I have known Carol Sente for quite awhile, both professionally as well as personally. I believe her to be an honest and truthful person. She was appointed last year to fulfill Kathy Ryg's remaining term as Illinois State Representative for the 59th District. She is now up for election in the upcoming state primary on Feb. 2.

She has earned my respect over the years as a woman of integrity and as a person who gets things done. Since Carol was appointed to the House, she has walked her neighborhoods, held "Town Hall" style meetings and has sincerely tried to get to know her constituents in order to learn of their concerns and problems.

She has educated herself as to the workings of state government and has diligently worked to resolve the issues at hand. She can see both sides of a situation and is able to make the appropriate decision in her vote.

I believe Carol's background of community and public service, her genuine interest and love of people, and her enthusiasm will be a continued asset in Springfield. She cares about seeking out the best possible solution to a problem and will work extremely hard for the citizens of her community as well as the entire state. Please check the box next to her name on the ballot Feb. 2 so she can continue her mission and be placed on the ballot in November. Thank you for considering her to represent you.

Cheri Klumpp


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