
First Democratic vote in 40 years?

He voted for cap and trade, he voted against energy independence by opposing the drilling in AWAR, he voted against the ban on partial birth abortion. He voted against the amendment to define marriage as between one man and one woman, with the Democrats. He sponsored hate crime legislation. He gets an F rating from the NRA.

This is not your Democratic senatorial candidate, this is Mark Kirk, and the person your Illinois Republican Party believes best represents Illinois Republicans.

These are the same people who brought you Alan Keyes in a move that vaulted Barack Obama into the presidency. Please send these people a message: Do not vote for Kirk. I personally will support Patrick Hughes. If Kirk receives the nomination, I will vote for a Democrat for the first time in 40 years of voting.

Maybe, if Kirk gets crushed in the elections, the Illinois Republican Party will finally understand we want true Republicans representing us.

Raymond Craig
