
For House Dist. 59, Republican: Sugrue

With Cynthia Hebda knocked off the ballot, the Republican competition for Illinois House District 59 pits attorney Dan Sugrue, 46, against businessman Mohan Manian, 45.

The men, both of Green Oaks, share many viewpoints and both are well-versed on issues facing the state. While we like Manian's promise that he would not be a career legislator, Sugrue wins the Daily Herald endorsement for his plan to attack Illinois' financial mess by cutting most state spending by 10 percent, eliminating commissions like the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board, reforming the state employee pension and Medicaid systems, and reining in education and correctional spending.

Sugrue, who ran unsuccessfully for the same seat in 2008, said he would not raises taxes and would in fact push to cut individual and corporate income taxes to create jobs, a position we find somewhat unrealistic given the state's massive deficit.

Sugrue is against allowing more gambling, especially video gambling, in Illinois. He favors term limits for legislative leaders, a stronger Open Meetings Act and a referendum on a Constitutional amendment to allow recall of the governor, legislators and other state officeholders.