
Palos Hills mayor urges Hartstein vote

If ever there was a time to bring change to the Illinois General Assembly, the time is now. We need people who have experience and sound judgment in the legislative decision-making process, and who will help guide our state to a more sustainable future.

I know Elliott Hartstein as an active, dedicated mayor who has contributed significantly to the future of our region through his involvement on numerous regional boards and committees.

Mayor Hartstein has a proven record of leadership in serving as an executive on the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus, the Illinois Municipal League, and the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning. He has a keen understanding of transportation, land use, and local government issues.

I have been to Springfield with Mayor Elliott, and have seen first hand how convincingly his communicative skills made a difference with members of the General Assembly on legislative matters.

I know he will stand up and fight for what he believes is the right decision on behalf of his constituents. I urge you to vote for Elliott Hartstein for state representative for the 59th District. Now is the time, and Elliott is someone who can make a difference in Springfield.

Mayor Gerald R. Bennett

Palos Hills