
Advocate Condell Medical Center Offers OB Classes in June, July

The following health and support programs are being offered in June and July by Advocate Condell Medical Center's Obstetrics Department.

Sibling Class

Youngsters look at the arrival of a new baby with anticipation and questions. Intended for children 3-10 years old, this special class will ease the transition to "Big Brother" or "Big Sister." Children will learn where and how babies grow and how to hold a baby and change a diaper. They will view the video "Sibling Silly" and visit the New Life Center to see newborns. One parent must attend the class with the child. Please have child bring a doll or stuffed animal to class. Cost is $20 for the first child and $5 for each additional child. 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 12, at Advocate Condell Medical Center's Allen Conference Center, 801 S. Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville. To register, call 800-323-8622.

Grandparenting Class

This class provides updated information for expectant and new grandparents as they celebrate their new roles. Learn the latest trends in prenatal and infant care, breastfeeding/bottle-feeding, safety issues and more. Class fee is $20 per couple. 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 12, at Advocate Condell Medical Center's Allen Conference Center, 801 S. Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville. To register, call 800-323-8622.

Safe Sitter

Safe Sitter teaches 11- to 13-year-old girls and boys how to handle emergencies when caring for children. This one-session class teaches safe and nurturing child-care techniques, behavior management skills and appropriate responses to medical emergencies. Please have children bring a sack lunch. Drinks and a snack will be provided. Cost is $50. 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Monday, June 13, and Monday, July 18, at Advocate Condell Medical Center's Allen Conference Center, 801 S. Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville. To register, call 800-323-8622.

Look What We Can Do!

Designed for parents and their infants from newborn through one year, this class discusses a different topic of interest to new parents each week. Participants will learn creative and stimulating ways to play with their babies. This is a great opportunity to connect and share advice with other parents going through the same experiences. First 10 sessions are free, and then a punch card may be purchased for $20 for 10 additional sessions. 12:30-2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 14, Tuesday, June 21, and Tuesday, June 28, at Advocate Condell Medical Center's Allen Conference Center, 801 S. Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville. To register, call 800-323-8622.

New Life Maternity Center Tour

This class features information regarding services available to expectant parents planning a birth at Advocate Condell Medical Center. A tour of the new Life Maternity Center is included in this course. It is recommended to register early in your pregnancy. Free. 7-8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 15, Wednesday, July 6, and Tuesday, July 19, at Advocate Condell Medical Center's Allen Conference Center, 801 S. Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville. To register, call 800-323-8622.

Prepared Childbirth

This class offers a common-sense, thorough approach to knowledgeable, relaxed childbirth, preparing the expectant mother and her coach for the labor process, vaginal and C-section delivery, newborn characteristics and the postpartum period. Relaxation, labor coaching skills and a five-step breathing method will be practiced in the class, which also includes a tour of the New Life Maternity Center. Also offered in Spanish. Cost is $140 for the expectant mother and her support person. Ongoing. For times and to register, call 800-323-8622.

Family and Friends CPR

This class is designed for the non-professional caregiver, including parents, grandparents, adoptive parents and other caregivers in the home. Learn how to keep your baby safe and how to act quickly in case of an emergency. Participants will be given an opportunity to individually practice CPR on an infant and child manikin. Basic adult CPR techniques are also covered. This class follows the American Heart Association guidelines and meets the DCFS guidelines for adoption in Illinois. A participation card is included. The cost for this class is $50 per couple or $35 for an individual. 7-9 p.m. Thursday, June 30, Tuesday, July 12, and Thursday, July 28, at Advocate Condell Medical Center's Allen Conference Center, 801 S. Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville. To register, call 800-323-8622.

Caring For Your Newborn

This one-session class teaches expectant parents important skills to build confidence in taking care of a newborn. Topics include: diapering, bathing, feeding, infant massage, infant sign language and when to call the doctor. A certified child passenger safety technician will discuss common car seat errors and how to avoid them. Instructors will also offer tips on purchasing infant equipment. It is recommended that expectant parents register for a class that takes place two months prior to their due date. $25 per person. 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 9, at Advocate Condell Medical Center's Allen Conference Center, 801 S. Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville. To register, call 800-323-8622.

Breastfeeding 101

Taught by certified lactation consultants, this program provides practical information on getting started, successful technique, planning for separation related to work and other activities, pumping and breast care. This class is designed for the expectant mother and her partner. It is recommended that participants attend this class two months prior to their due date. $25 class fee is per couple. 1:30-4:30 p.m. Saturday, July 9, at Advocate Condell Medical Center's Allen Conference Center, 801 S. Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville. To register, call 800-323-8622.

About Advocate Condell Medical Center

Advocate Condell Medical Center is the leading provider of comprehensive medical and surgical services in Lake County, with state-of-the-art heart, neurosurgical, maternity and emergency services. As the largest health care provider in the county,

Condell's emergency department is the only Level 1 Trauma Center in Lake County, Illinois, treating the area's most seriously injured patients. It also features the only dedicated pediatric emergency department in the county. Recognized for its quick treatment of heart attack patients, Condell holds full accreditation from the Society of Chest Pain Centers.

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