
Endorsement: Susan Starrett for Republicans in Kane County Board Dist. 10

In the Kane County 10th District, we endorse incumbent Susan Starrett over challenger Doug Sullivan in the Republican primary.

As the challenger, the burden is on Sullivan, 39, of Batavia, to show why he would be an improvement over Starrett, 43, of North Aurora and we don't feel he has made the case.

Sullivan does show familiarity with county issues, has run for board before, and correctly asserts that Starrett's attendance record hasn't been great, even taking into account a difficult pregnancy.

At the same time, Starrett has won the endorsement of the board chair and vice chair, both members of her party, indicating they are satisfied with her performance.

And while Sullivan, the marketing manager for Pace Suburban Bus in Arlington Heights, said he has worked it out with his employer to attend the necessary meetings, the large number of daytime meetings involved means there's no assurance his attendance would be better.

We endorse Starrett.

Slusher: How to use our endorsements

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