
Charles Fritz: Candidate Profile

Palatine-Schaumburg H.S. D211

Note: Answers provided have not been edited for grammar, misspellings or typos. In some instances, candidate claims that could not be immediately verified have been omitted. Jump to:BioKey IssuesQA Bio City: InvernessWebsite: Candidate did not respond.Office sought: Palatine-Schaumburg H.S. D211Age: Candidate did not respond.Family: Married with two childrenOccupation: CEO, Claros SystemsEducation: B.S, Business Administration, University of Illinois, 1975Civic involvement: Past: Palatine Soccer Board and Coach; Palatine Boys Baseball Coach; Hunting Ridge Homeowners Association.Current: Inverness, Member of Zoning Board of AppealsElected offices held: Past High School D211 Board Member (2001-2007); Board Secretary and member of the both the Finance and Technology committeesHave you ever been arrested for or convicted of a crime? If yes, please explain: NoCandidate's Key Issues Key Issue 1 Assure that all students receive the finest education possible, properly preparing them for future opportunities that present themselves whether that be college or to enter the workplace. This includes a well-rounded academic, extra-curricular and social environment.Key Issue 2 The state of Illinois is in a very precarious financial position, even with the recent increase in income taxes. D211 taxpayers have seen their property taxes increase annually for many years and in some cases have increased over 230% during the last ten years. While it is imperative to properly fund the schools for our students, we also need to be aware that the school districts, along with other government entities are taxing our residents to their limit. Without additional tax increases or spending cuts by our state, the state will not be able to meet its financial obligations in the years ahead. It would be naive to think this won't directly affect D211 schools or our residents. Whether the impact will be additional tax increases, realignment of the property tax or cuts in state aid, the next D211 Board needs to take the lead. Along with the teachers, administrators and residents, D211 needs to build a plan for continued excellence while anticipating any possible changes in the available funding from all past sources.Key Issue 3 Communication and transparency. Whether the Board is preparing annual budgets, considering curriculum enhancements or preparing for updated contracts for district employees, it is imperative that all parties involved receive, understand and have access to the appropriate information the Board is using to formulate its decisions.Questions Answers Evaluate how the District 211 has used the money from the 2005 tax-hike referendum.The referendum allowed D211 to stabilize its financial position. A commitment was made, if the referendum passed, to operate the district within strict parameters and those limits were met as originally outlined-the district has maintained a balanced budget since passage. Budget cuts that were made prior to the referendum were maintained after passage. Educational excellence requires investment and operating within guidelines can be a ""moving target"" when unforeseen expenses such as unfunded state mandates, TIF districts and property tax rebates are added to the financial picture, that change annually. Even with the additional burdens placed on the district by outside entities, D211 has used the funds from the 2005 referendum wisely.What steps must District 211 take to further bolster its reputation as one of the best high school district in the state?D211 maintains an excellent reputation in Illinois and this is due to the hard work and dedication by the teachers and administrators on a daily basis, as well as financial commitment of the taxpayers. Communication and academic excellence are keys to their reputation. D211 needs to make sure that all interested parties continue to receive information vital to the positive reputation of D211 on a regular basis.How well does the district spread resources and funding among its five schools? Is there equality or do things need to change? Cite examples, if you can.The district does a good job of spreading resources and funding equally across all five schools and includes not only academic resources but also physical resources. All school facilities have been physically updated, addressing needed increase in space, disability concerns and enhanced athletic facilities. Since curriculum is addressed by both administrators and teachers, there is a district-wide view of the overall need with equality in funding throughout the district.If elected, you will participate in negotiating the next teacher contract. What should change, if anything, in the next contract, and how well does Dist. 211 balance the need to retain top teaching talent with fiscal responsibility?District 211 balances the need to retain top teaching talent with fiscal responsibility reasonably well. Each contract renegotiation presents a unique set of circumstances for that period in time, with different fiscal considerations affecting the teachers, administration and taxpayers. The next contract needs to balance and address the needs of our students, teachers and taxpayers as well as the general state of the economy in Illinois.Is experience as a teacher or support from a union valuable because it suggests educational insights or detrimental because it creates pro-teacher bias? Please clarify whether you have such experience or would accept union support.Experience as a teacher does add value to a Board member from a curriculum and classroom environment viewpoint when discussing those particular issues. I have not taught, rather spent my career in private business growing corporations over the past 25 years with deep experience in the operations, financial, sales and marketing aspects. The organizations I have worked for included Fortune 100 Corporations as well as start-ups. A Board must include members from multiple areas that work together, adding their individual talents for the good of the entire Board. The six years spent on the D211 Board do offer me insight and experience, better understanding what teachers need in order to excel. Regarding union support, it is important to have open communications with the D211 unions but will not actively seek their support.