
Images: Behind the scenes at Otto Engineering

Here's how Otto Engineering's little parts play a big role

  Here is a couple of the controllers that would commonly be used in large construction or agricultural machines. Brian Hill/
  In what could be a scene from the Matrix, a machine toils parts for some of the controllers or switches that the company produces. Brian Hill/
  Steve Moehling, director of engineering at Otto Engineering explains the process by which parts are tested in the lab. Christopher Hankins/
  Ramie Selvey operates a multi-spindle aluminum machine Friday at Otto Engineering in Carpentersville. Christopher Hankins/
  Switches and other products are put through rigorous tests in the testing lab inside Otto Engineering in Carpentersville. Here a set of switches are nearing 10,000 activations in the lab. Christopher Hankins/
  Just a few of the many switches that the company makes. Brian Hill/
  Maria Hernandez solders connections on one of the grips that she is working on. Brian Hill/
  Here is an example of work that the plastic prototype machine can output. Brian Hill/
  Here an employee stamps a piece with information pertaining to the use. Brian Hill/
  Here is a close-up of the assembly of the P9 buttons. Brian Hill/
  Otto, which makes switches and buttons for every thing from Blackhawk helicopters to large machinery moved its operation to Carpentersville in 1968. The company recently celebrated their 50th anniversary. Brian Hill/
  Some of the metal leads used in the parts are barely big enough to show up in somebodyÂ’s hand. Brian Hill/
  Here is a P6 switch that deals specifically with the landing gear on aircraft. Brian Hill/
  Jars sit full of metal leads which will work their way into the many switches that the company produces. Brian Hill/
  David Ross, Vice President of Sales and Marketing explains the workings of the machine that makes a metal grip base that will eventually make it into one of the controllers. Brian Hill/