
Uganda poses special challenge for Christian right

In a time of crisis fatigue, proposed legislation in Uganda to execute gays passes through the American consciousness with the impact of a weather report. Corrupt politicians count on the brevity of the American attention span, but certain items demand a tap of the pause button.

How does the idea of executing gays evolve in a majority-Christian nation? Interesting question. Gays in Uganda already face imprisonment for up to 14 years. Under a new bill proposed last October by David Bahati, the government could execute HIV-positive men and jail people who don't report homosexual activities. We are officially appalled, of course. President Obama called the legislation "odious" in remarks at the recent National Prayer Breakfast.

Even Evangelical mega-pastor Rick Warren made an impassioned Christmas video plea to Ugandan pastors, declaring the measure "unjust," "extreme" and "un-Christian." Warren's message wasn't prompted by outrage, but by accusations that he had helped create the bill. Warren's Saddleback Church has hosted a Ugandan pastor who supports the legislation, but the purpose-driven pastor insists he has had no role shaping the proposed law.

In a statement to Newsweek, Warren said: "The fundamental dignity of every person, our right to be free, and the freedom to make moral choices are gifts endowed by God, our creator. However, it is not my personal calling as a pastor in America to comment or interfere in the political process of other nations." I'm not so sure about that. It may not be Warren's personal calling to comment on "political process." But is neutrality really an option for one of the world's most powerful Christian leaders when state genocide of a minority is proposed in the name of Christianity?

If we decide that genocide is too political for interference, then what good is moral leadership? Other Evangelical Christians in Uganda are less easily excused from responsibility. Often cited as having stirred the pot are pastors Scott Lively, Caleb Lee Brundidge and Don Schmierer, who last March worked with Ugandan faith leaders and politicians to help stop the "homosexualization." These three pastors, known for their conviction that gays can be "cured," have been spreading their particular brand of gospel in Uganda.

Let's assume these missionaries have pure intentions. Dear Sirs: Uganda isn't Connecticut. A country where gays are routinely harassed and incarcerated doesn't need stoking by American fundamentalists on a mission from God.

In an interview with Alan Colmes, Lively said he was invited to the African nation because Ugandans were worried about American and European gays trying to export homosexuality to their nation. Given that Uganda was already rather unwelcoming to gays, that seems unlikely. Instead, it seems more the case that Uganda has became a laboratory for zealots who have found a receptive audience for their personal cause. The proposed law is a case study in the unintended consequences of moral colonialism.

One would think that Uganda, given its history, would have had enough of executions related to homosexuality. In the 1880s, the martyrs of Uganda were burned to death by Mwanga II, the king of Buganda, who was miffed when his own homosexual advances were declined. And now Uganda's Christians wish to make martyrs of gays?

Some pastors oppose the bill and Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has said it is too tough. Human rights watchers predict it will be toned down to exclude capital punishment, but imprisonment is also unacceptable. On "Meet the Press" last November, Warren said he never takes sides, but one wishes he would. To borrow his own words, it is in certain cases extreme, unjust and un-Christian not to.

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