
Gilberts expects to find about 2,000 more residents since 2004

Gilberts officials have enough people to count new residents now, and plan to start their special census after the first of the year.

Before they knock on any doors, the dozens of enumerators -- and even more part-time clerical employees -- will be trained to collect basic information about the people living in the new homes.

Most importantly, they will ask how many people live in each household. That number will determine if village coffers will receive enough money to hire more police officers and public works employees to meet the growing demand for services.

Those coffers are already being stretched to the limit by providing services to residents who have moved to the northern Kane County community since the last special census in 2004, said Village President Tom Wajda.

To provide those services, employees have to be hired, vehicles have to be purchased and equipment has to be put into place to keep up with the demand.

Since the last count three years ago, an estimated 2,000 people have moved to Gilberts. Village budgets can't wait two years until the national count in 2010, said village clerk Darlene Mueller.

"The (village) board feels we need the money now," she said.

For every resident, Gilberts receives $110 in state motor fuel tax and income tax revenue. If the estimates are correct, the village could receive an additional $210,000 annually. The amounts communities receive are based on national and local census figures.

Gilberts' population has been growing for the last dozen years. Builders see the village as appealing because farmers are willing to sell their parcels. The homes that are built don't stay vacant long because they are close to major highways, including the I-90 Tollway.

The national 2000 census showed an increase, as did a special count in 2004. With the number of permits issued to home builders, trustees believe the number of people living in the community may be more than 6,000 people.

When the count is conducted, not every home will be included. The older neighborhoods in the village will not be counted. Enumerators will be knocking on the doors of the newest subdivisions, including the Gilberts Towns Center.

Village leaders expect the census to be completed in a couple of weeks. When it is, the results will be sent to the U.S. Census Bureau, where its employees will certify the numbers.

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