
Weight loss in your sleep? Dream on

Q. Do products that help people lose weight while they sleep really work?

A. Remember that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Some of these products contain a diuretic that increases the amount of urine passed. So, although your scale may indeed go down in the morning, you've lost water weight, not fat. Other products instruct users to avoid eating three hours before bed.

For someone who has been doing a lot of late-night eating, cutting out those extra calories could produce weight loss that has nothing to do with the supplement.

Q. Can you offer any serving suggestions for Brussels sprouts?

A. It's a smart move to serve Brussels sprouts! These cruciferous vegetables are a nutritional powerhouse.

They belong to the family which also includes broccoli, cauliflower and Bok choy. Studies link greater consumption of cruciferous vegetables with decreased incidence of several types of cancer. These vegetables are a source of isothiocyanates, a class of phytochemicals that help our bodies detoxify undesirable compounds and may help to stop cancer before it starts.

Brussels sprouts, which resemble mini cabbages, are usually served as a side dish, but they also make a nice addition to stir-fries, vegetable soups and salads. Although easy to prepare, if Brussels sprouts are overcooked they tend to develop a strong smell and mushy texture.

To prepare them, begin by trimming off all remaining portions of the stem as well as the discolored outer leaves. Wash them well under running water or soak them in a bowl of fresh water to clean. Before cooking, cut an "X" in the bottom of each sprout to ensure that the heat spreads evenly.

Microwaving is a perfect cooking option as it preserves the sprouts' texture and color. Steaming is another good option. Cook until the Brussels sprouts are bright green and just tender with a little crunch, usually 4-8 minutes in a microwave or 8-10 minutes steamed, depending on size.

If you're not serving immediately, chefs often recommend plunging cooked Brussels sprouts into cold water to stop residual cooking.

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