
Briefs: Early voting record

A record number of Lake County residents voted early Monday, the first day the service was available ahead of the Nov. 4 election, officials said. In eight hours, 2,924 voters cast ballots early, according to the Lake County clerk's office. That's dramatically more than the 643 people who voted on the first day of early voting for this past February's primary election. Early voting continues through Thursday, Oct. 30. Visit to find your early voting site, get driving directions, and to see a picture of the site. For more information, call the clerk's office at (847) 377-2314.

Students turn to the Web

A Web site featuring the writing of Mundelein High School advanced creative writing students has been launched, officials announced. It includes various types and styles of writing. To access the website, go to username is reader; the password is Mundelein.

North Chicago mayor leads group

North Chicago Mayor Leon Rockingham has been elected vice president of the Illinois Municipal League. Rockingham will serve on the league's board of directors, which sets policy for the statewide group. Municipal League Executive Director Larry Frang said more than 2,600 municipal officials attended the group's conference when Rockingham was selected to the prestigious post Sept. 27. Rockingham is a retired systems technician from the former SBC Communications. He once served as a commissioner for the East Skokie Drainage District.

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