
Doty, Roberts, Matijevic for District 301 school board

Central Community Unit District 301 voters will go to the polls April 7, a day after they learn the details of proposed new school boundary lines.

Generally, the unveiling of boundary changes is one of the most volatile issues any school district can face next to a tax hike. The fact that, thus far, it's been a relatively low-key endeavor speaks to the leadership and communication from current administrators and school board members.

There will, of course, be many volatile challenges facing this district where rapid housing growth is now on hiatus but likely to resume with a flourish once the economy rebounds. The expected influx of housing that spurred voters to previously approve a referendum to build new schools has not materialized. Now there are empty classrooms in one part of a district which, like most statewide, faces a resulting decline in school tax revenues. In addition to belt tightening, the district will have to take a savvy approach to balancing building needs, classroom space and, above all, salaries and budget bottom lines.

Incumbents Mike Roberts and Steve Doty have a clear understanding of the challenges ahead, including the boundary and budget issues, and have played strong roles in putting the district on a good fiscal and academic track.

Challenger Angela Matijevic knows how to listen and as a financial and business manager has an affinity for the fiscal responsibility required. Challenger Jeff Gorman, a staff accountant, would as well. He wishes to see the district take a close look at its math curriculum and a curriculum he says is aimed at test scores vs. education. Voters will have a dilemma in this close-knit district where they can't go wrong. Mike Roberts, Steve Doty and Angela Matijevic are endorsed.

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