
Lucky to have auditor we do

Kane County finances affect every taxpayer. The County Auditor is the "watchdog" whose job it is to see that the County (and its citizens) get what we pay for. We are fortunate to have Kane County Auditor Bill Keck as our advocate for financial oversight.

As a certified public accountant of 20 year's experience, Bill came to the Auditor's post 16 years ago uniquely qualified to do the job. He has saved Kane County many thousands of dollars in his term as Auditor, yet he is a quiet man who never brags of his accomplishments. He just goes to work each day and does his job - for us.

Bill Keck is a model for responsible public officials. I will vote to re-elect Bill Keck as Kane County Auditor on Nov. 4, and I encourage you to vote for him, too.

Dennis C. Ryan


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