
Benefits to low sugar jams

Q. Should I switch my family to low sugar jam and jelly?

A. The answer may depend on how much jam and jelly you use.

Each measured tablespoon contains about 50 calories and provides three teaspoons of sugar. Varieties labeled as "all-fruit spreads" contain only the natural sugar in the fruit and juice and provide about 40 calories and the equivalent of two teaspoons of sugar per tablespoon.

Most jams labeled reduced-sugar are 50 percent lower in sugar, providing about 25 calories and a little less than a teaspoon and a half of sugar per tablespoon. They usually don't contain sugar substitutes.

Sugar-free jams or jellies use artificial sweeteners to replace all added sugar, bringing calories down to 10 per tablespoon with zero sugar.

You can make the choice that works best for you and your family. Each little bit of excess sugar we cut helps, but the three teaspoons of added sugar in jelly poses less of a problem than the 10 teaspoons of additional sugar in a can of a regular soft drink.

Q. What is the current advice about using antioxidant supplements to protect against macular degeneration in the eyes?

A. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of vision loss as people age. In a recent analysis of studies, antioxidant supplements were not shown to prevent AMD even after 12 years of treatment.

However, researchers do urge people who show early signs of macular degeneration or who have advanced AMD in one eye to take a supplement that matches the product used in the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS), providing specific levels of vitamins C, E, beta-carotene and zinc. In the study, progression to advanced AMD decreased by 32 percent among people taking these supplements.

In a recent study of AMD patients, more than a third of those likely to benefit from supplementation were either not using a product or were using an incorrect formulation or dosage. Note, however that people should get individual advice from their eye doctors before beginning any supplement regimen.

When it comes to reducing risk of getting AMD, we need more research, but some data suggest that a diet rich in carotenoid- containing vegetables may help, as may regularly including oily fish high in omega-3 fat.

Q. Does diet have any effect on acne?

A. Despite the long-held beliefs that chocolate or high-fat diets contribute to acne, according to experts, including those at the American Academy of Dermatologists, eating habits do not affect development or treatment of acne. Individuals who feel that certain foods aggravate their acne can simply choose to avoid those foods.

For women and teenaged girls whose acne is related to polycystic ovarian syndrome, some interventions may help, including: weight loss, moderate physical activity and a healthy diet high in fiber from vegetables, fruits and whole grains. And, while there may not be a direct link between diet and acne, a nutrient-rich diet will nourish every part of your body, including your skin.

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