
Oakton waives tuition for newly unemployed

Oakton Community College announced Thursday it will offer free tuition this semester to full-time workers who lost their jobs in the last year for some of its programs that offer quick-turnaround opportunities to re-enter the work force.

"Waiving tuition for these programs is one way for Oakton to immediately and meaningfully assist those whose lives have been disrupted by the economic downturn," college President Margaret B. Lee said in a prepared release. "We hope to help people whose finances are strained by a missing paycheck quickly return to work in job areas where there is growth."

Five career programs that require about 12 credit hours and can be completed in a semester are being offered. They include computer diagnostics, project management, "green" marketing, manufacturing and pharmaceutical preparation.

To qualify, students must live within the community college district, which serves the Northeast part of Cook County, including Des Plaines. They must have lost a full-time job since Jan. 1, 2008. They must provide a current Wage Information Sheet from the state documenting their unemployment status and complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA.

The college doesn't know how many people will take up its offer and hasn't set a limit, spokesman Bill Paige said, though adding that there is a limit to how many people can be accommodated in the programs.

The college isn't anticipating a huge response and can absorb the cost within its budget, Paige said, adding that as full-time employees, "These are the people contributing (taxes) - now they need a hand."

Registration for classes, which begin Feb. 16, is currently underway. The normal charge for 12 hours of tuition is $1,008. Students would have to buy their textbooks and other fees may apply.

For pre-screening and additional information, contact Career Services at (847) 635-1735 or

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