
Kirk, Bush policies costing too much

The past weeks have demonstrated very clearly the failed economic policies of the Bush administration which have been consistently supported by Rep. Mark Kirk. In 2001 and 2003 he voted for the Bush tax cuts which did not revive a stalled economy and gave us a $4.4 trillion dollar deficit over the next 10 years. He also has always supported less regulation of Wall Street and the consequences are clear. Without a change from the Republican philosophy of cut taxes for the wealthy, the deficit will be a tremendous burden on our grandchildren.

Kirk has been an active supporter of the war in Iraq which is bleeding $10 billion a month from our funds, money that could go to health care, veterans benefits and infrastructure changes. He paints himself as a moderate and yet he consistently votes for the failed Bush policies.

The time has come for a change. Our country cannot afford Mark Kirk and his Republican philosophy. Dan Seals offers a refreshing and sensible alternative. With his business background he understands economics and what is needed to put our country on sound financial footing. He would do away with the Bush tax cuts for people who earn more than $250,000 a year. He would be part of setting a timetable to get out of Iraq and use those funds to support the basic needs of our citizens. Dan Seals brings an independent approach that is based on the economic good of our country rather than supporting the failed leadership of Bush/McCain policies. Dan Seals is on the right side of economic expansion and policy, and Kirk has demonstrated his failure to grasp how these issues should be handled.

Barbara Weiner

Highland Park

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