
Kirk fights wasteful spending

I am writing to commend Congressman Mark Kirk for holding the line on wasteful spending and pork.

Kirk is the only member of the appropriations committee, the Congressional committee whose members typically get the most pork, to completely swear off earmarks. In 2006 he stood up to Alaskan senator Ted Stevens and killed the wasteful $300 million "bridge to nowhere." And recently, when greedy lawmakers loaded up the bailout bill with $150 of pork for toy arrows and Puerto Rican rum, Mark Kirk voted to stop them. There is a social contract between the government and the People. The government has the right to tax us, but we have the right to demand that money is spent wisely.

The government hasn't been holding up its end of the deal in recent years. We need to send more people like Mark Kirk to Washington to force the government to live up to its end of the bargain and stop wasting our money.

Jason Holman

Arlington Heights

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