
Seals is wrong on Social Security

Dan Seals once again provided unintentional hilarity for me when he claimed that he is now some great defender of Social Security. I just began drawing Social Security benefits and I don't consider him a defender of those benefits when he's made it clear many times that he would cut them. Dan Seals has said: "I believe we should consider means testing as an approach to shoring up Social Security." My understanding of means testing is that it means revoking the Social Security benefits of people whose income falls above some arbitrary level. This is not the simple tweak to the system that Seals tries to pass it off as.

It is a fundamental change to the philosophy and mission of Social Security. Social Security was introduced as a small, government-managed pension. A pension that you pay into your entire life, but that you can never lose. Dan Seals wants to tell millions of people who have paid into Social Security their entire lives that they weren't funding a small pension; they were paying yet another tax. Seals wants to turn Social Security into yet another welfare program. Effectively confiscating the Social Security payments of millions of people is not defending the program. Seals' attempt to fool area seniors in this way is offensive.

Sherry Crone

Vernon Hills

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