
Kirk is independent and accomplished

I attended the debate between Mark Kirk and Dan Seals at Deerfield High school this Sunday. It is clear to me why Kirk has won four times already and will win this election, too. The difference between Kirk and Seals was like night and day. Congressman Kirk made the debate about himself and the 10th District. He talked about what he has already done for our communities, like saving the North Chicago VA Hospital, and what he plans to do for us in the future, like implementing his landmark Apollo Energy plan to finally wean this country off foreign oil. Seals also spent most of his time talking about Mark Kirk.

He told us that Mark Kirk is a Bush rubber stamp, even though Kirk was named the 8th most independent Congressman by The Washington Post. He told us that Kirk voted against veterans, perhaps forgetting that Kirk is endorsed by the VFW. Seals did this because he couldn't follow Congressman Kirk's lead and talk about his own accomplishments; he has none. After the debate, the choice in the 10th District is clear. If you want a positive, independent, accomplished leader for your Congressman, choose Mark Kirk. If you want a man whose own record of accomplishment is so meager that he is reduced to trying to tear his opponent's down, vote for Dan Seals. The choice is easy for me, I'm voting for Mark Kirk.

Janet Cohen


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