
Who among you will run for assessor?

Shame on me.

I just got a notification today about an election Feb. 24, for various positions, including Dundee Township officials. I should have paid attention.

Last year the Daily Herald did an article about real estate taxes around the area, but especially in Dundee Township. In a market where housing prices have dropped 20 percent or more, my wife and I were flabbergasted to receive our real estate tax bill and find out that our taxes had more than doubled! We were not the only ones in our area. Many people, and many, many retired people were hit with these increased values.

My wife and I got a small reduction in our real estate taxes, but the assessment was still WAY over the market value before the fall in housing prices. To complicate the matter, it is impossible to use comparable properties since it has been over 5 or 6 years since a house has sold in this area. We have appealed our taxes to the state and are waiting for their decision.

For me, and many of my neighbors, we don't care if Mickey Mouse gets elected. The township board, and especially the assessor are totally out of line.

For those of you who live in Dundee Township, now is the time to make your voice heard. If township officials won't listen, it's time to find a write-in candidate. Enough is enough.

Wally O'Brien


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