
Kirk a friend to education

I am a retired public school teacher and I will be voting for Barack Obama this November. I will also be voting to re-elect Congressman Mark Kirk.

Ever since he was sworn into office in 2001, Congressman Kirk has been the best advocate that our local public schools could ask for. When North Shore schools educating military children began to feel the pinch, Congressman Kirk worked with Senators Durbin and Obama to drastically increase impact aid. Mark Kirk is the only Congressman I know of who has a standing public education advisory board, made up of teachers and administrators, to advise him on school reforms.

Working with his advisory board, he proposed a series of reforms to No Child Left Behind that are now backed by the National Education Association. It is no surprise to me that the National Education Association has also endorsed Congressman Kirk himself for re-election. But even if they had not, I would still vote for him.

Congressman Kirk is no stranger to the classrooms and students of NSSD112. He is always available to support engaged learning opportunities. He is a powerful advocate for our students and civic education promoting participatory democracy for all ages. This has inspired my students and inspired me. He has my full support.

Cheryl Levi

Highland Park

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