
Kirk has courage to vote with integrity

I'm voting to re-elect Congressman Mark Kirk this November because he has the courage to stand up and fight for what is right.

It's easy in Congress for a representative to just keep his head down and go with the herd. But Mark Kirk doesn't do that. Kirk defied his party and the president when he voted to override vetoes on stem cell research and SCHIP, the children's health insurance program. He risked the wrath of the NRA and supported sane, reasonable gun control to keep our families and police officers safe. And he's assembled one of the most pro-environment voting records in Congress; the League of Conservation Voters ranks him higher than Barack Obama.

None of those positions are easy for a Republican to take. But they show why Mark Kirk is such a special congressman. He has the courage to do the right thing not just when it's easy, but when it's hard. He is a courageous, principled representative and we must keep him in Congress.

Larry Kugler


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