
Like others, Neale rides the cash cow

It seems that School District U-46's educational messiah joined the list of other public servants to threaten themselves into huge benefits. Now Connie Neale also joins that illustrious bunch in riding her own cash cow out of town into the sunset, financed by our district.

Although it seems to many of us common taxpayers, that although Neale received the credit for financially saving U-46, the well-publicized turn-around was accomplished through fewer staff and teachers, and larger classes.

I don't think any of the teachers laid off will be receiving their share of the $60,000 bonus or perks like lifetime insurance. I know they weren't getting $340,000 a year before they got the ax. Make that $400,000 after the school board bought into that bonus.

My heart goes out to Connie during this time of illness, just as my tax dollars went into her bonus. My tax dollars would probably also want to know exactly how such a package was muscled through our previous school board behind closed doors, until one member's conscience got the better of him and he went public.

And what exactly are the current board's opinions, besides the hiring of the mother of the district lawyer, who appeared to be Connie's biggest supporter, as her chosen interim replacement?

I wonder if Connie will actually ever be back, and the board should also. I would have hoped that the previous board inquired into her health before submitting to that lifetime health insurance demand. Most common-sense businesses would have.

I hope this new board has, in taxpayer language, "grown a pair" and are questioning if she might have been aware of her condition prior to accepting her position.

Remember, this is Elgin. We've seen too many people threaten and cajole themselves into sweetheart deals, including golden parachutes, then leave on illness or just plain dissatisfaction to take an equally difficult job in another community while still cashing those Elgin checks.

Maybe it is time that the new school board looks over her benefits and what it will cost our school district.

The old one, including some current members, sure didn't.

If there are grounds to break the contract, I suggest they look into that also.

What's the worst that could happen?

It wouldn't be the first time District U-46 was handed a lawsuit.

Right, Connie?

Charles Shedivy


Teacher should be lauded, not axed

Fox River Grove Middle School teacher Dave Warwak should be commended for telling children the truth about meat, eggs and dairy products, not fired.

Kids need to know the consequences of eating an unhealthy diet.

Obesity and obesity-related diseases, such as Type 2 diabetes, are rapidly increasing in children, and many kids have signs of atherosclerosis before they finish high school because they eat animal products.

Students also have the right to know that how animals are treated in factory farms and slaughterhouses so they can make informed decisions about what they eat. Most children have a natural compassion for animals and would not want to cause them pain and suffering.

Hamburgers don't grow in a hamburger patch, after all. If the truth about meat, eggs and dairy products is too gruesome to tell our children, why not feed them healthy, humane vegan foods that we can be honest with them about?

Heather Moore

Senior writer

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Norfolk, Va.

Clinton Duo II not what nation needs

David Broder wrote an article regarding Hillary Clinton on Sept. 6, and his last statement was, "If she becomes president, he will play as central a role in her presidency as she did in his." The "he" was Bill Clinton.

That is exactly why their return to the White House would be extremely dangerous for the U.S.

Our guided missile technology was allowed to be transferred to Communist China, compliments of Bill and Hillary. The Clintons were also selling the Lincoln bedroom.

When Hillary was testifying regarding the Madison Savings and Loan fraud, she kept saying she could not recall whether or not she kept the billing records, and then they were found in the White House. They also had FBI files on many congressman and other individuals.

Socialized medicine was Hillary's project, and when it failed, it did not die. Unfortunately, now it is being implemented slowly.

When I see her on TV she says nothing except that she will bring about change, and that is the problem. She is not indicating what change. Many of us can conclude what she means.

Her congressional site is revealing, in that her proposed legislation or bills that she is involved with are not constitutional.

We need a president that is honest, trustworthy and willing to enforce the Constitution of the United States of America, not people who steal items from the White House, as the Clintons did when they left.

Therese Battaglia

South Elgin

Katrina mess not caused by residents

This is in regard to Froma Harrop's recent column.

Sure, we had problems down here before Katrina and have them now after Katrina.

You are more than welcome to have all of our Democrats move into your neighborhood.

The citizens of New Orleans have not caused this failure.

The Army Corps of Engineers chose to build substandard levees that were designed to protect farm land (next to a residential neighborhood).

They mixed up the soil core samples and told the levee contractor to shut up and build it like it was designed after they were told the design specifications were dangerously off for the soil conditions.

The contractor completed the job and immediately declared bankruptcy.

Dutch engineers visited pre-Katrina and tried to warn the Corps that what it had built was woefully inadequate. The Corps told them it didn't want or need their advice.

The good people of Chalmette have been asking for 20 years to close down the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet.

It costs a fortune to dredge and keep open. Almost no ships use it any more and it was one of the main contributors to the massive flooding.

All these requests fell on deaf ears at all levels of government, federal included.

Maybe we are stupid to trust our lives to people who don't live here and don't see the whole picture.

I see Ohio just flooded as it does quite often. Why is it rational for them to rebuild, but not us?

My home never flooded before -- it is elevated -- but not high enough for this mess.

New Orleans is not a coastal city. The oil companies and Corps have destroyed the marshes.

Pointing the finger at the citizens just doesn't make sense.

We've since moved away to a new home, 40 feet above sea level.

Paul Wabnig

New Orleans, La.

Governor masters use of demons, trivia

Demonizing, claiming something is evil, and trivializing, claiming something is of little importance or significance, are popular practices used today in the political arena.

That's particularly so when one is trying to defend a policy that cannot stand up under thorough scrutiny or debate.

Our governor has risen to great heights of achievement in utilizing these practices in the ongoing budget battle. He either vetoed or reduced 1,504 items in a proposed budget.

A large portion of the $470 million in cuts were from health care (28 percent), education (22 percent) and human services (22 percent).

We have allowed it to happen by distancing ourselves. This is like walking down the other side of the road to avoid involvement in a problem or helping others in need.

Darwin Cooper

St. Charles

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