
Move over, John. Here's Meghan.

The GOP's identity crisis just got more interesting with the recent media splash of Meghan McCain, daughter of the senator who did not become president.

Young McCain, who began blogging during her father's presidential campaign, recently made waves at The Daily Beast when she picked a fight with conservative media mavens Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham.

McCain, just 24, is one smart cookie. In a matter of weeks, she has created a brand, presenting herself as a fresh face of her daddy's party and a voice for young conservatives. What better way to launch herself than to challenge the reigning diva herself, Miz Coulter? McCain jammed traffic on Tina Brown's site with her charge that Coulter is bad for the party, writing: "I straight up don't understand this woman or her popularity. I find her offensive, radical, insulting, and confusing all at the same time."

Claiming that Coulter could be the poster woman for the "most extreme side of the Republican Party," McCain offered herself as the opposite. Bzzzzzt. Give that girl a talk show! Indeed, McCain's generation is more moderate, especially on social issues. This isn't news. Yet, reaction from the more-established right has been a tad intolerant.

Among criticism now familiar to anyone who has dared contradict or question the GOP's wisdom is that Meghan McCain is a "useful idiot" to liberals using her to further diminish Republicans. Or that she is poking her father's party just to draw attention to herself. 'Tis a fact that McCain has suddenly surged as a popular talk show guest. This happens when one says something provocative in a town where 400 producers are trying to plug 10,000 talking-head spots. And of course, Coulter would never say or do anything provocative in the interest of self-promotion. Calling Al Gore a "total fag," or saying that Jews should be "perfected" by conversion to Christianity, could hardly be construed as anything but profoundly constructive.

Next, McCain went after Ingraham, who had parodied McCain on her radio show in a Valley-girl voice: "OK, I was really hoping that I was going to get that role in the 'Real World,' but then I realized that, well, they don't like plus-sized models." McCain fired right back.

Boom! McCain was on "The View" encouraging women to stop worrying so much about their bodies. In an inspired flourish, she suggested that Ingraham "kiss my fat (ahem)."

Well, if she doesn't make it in journalism, she has a future in marketing. She has learned, perhaps from a lifetime of observing political strategy, how and when to pick a fight. And engaging American women in solidarity against market-imposed body images was a stroke of genius.

Yes, of course, a 24-year-old political pundette doesn't find her way onto "Larry King Live" without a famous name. McCain is interesting precisely because of who she is, not because of what she has accomplished. On the other hand, McCain is also a successful blogger. She has established a voice and an audience. And the GOP is, allegedly, hoping to expand its tent.

The GOP's extreme voices are a turnoff, not just to young people, but to millions of Americans who might otherwise be attracted to conservative principles. Who better to point that out than a young maverick named McCain?

© 2009, Washington Post Writers Group

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