
Things I've learned that I love about restaurants

Over the past few months, I have written about how much I hate social media, how hard it is to open a restaurant, using restaurant time to teach children manners, and making the most of a complaint. It struck me that I have left out what I love about restaurants.

• It's more than not having to cook: If going to a restaurant was only a matter of not having to prepare a meal, I could go anywhere. But every time I have the opportunity to dine out, I put a lot of thought into where I want to go and what I want to eat. When it comes to the food, I love choosing just the right restaurant for that meal, even if it is a quick-service operation.

• That je ne sais quoi: We go back to the same places time after time and, when someone asks why, we find it hard to put into words. I love walking into my old favorite restaurant, being greeted like a friend and not a customer and enjoying the love that is added to my meal time after time. If I go to a new restaurant and get that same warm greeting, then this restaurant can quickly become an "old" favorite. For me, I need that mix of good food and friendly service.

• Memories ...: When my kids come home, we always go to those restaurants that have built great memories for our family. I'm sure you and your families have those places, too. Ask yourself, "How did this restaurant become our family favorite?" If new restaurants trained their staff to make a new customer a forever guest, they would take care of everyone very differently.

• The joy of the hunt: I travel extensively and eat out for almost every meal. I look forward to the experience I will have at every one of those restaurants. Sometimes I'm disappointed, sometimes the meal is mediocre and sometimes the service is lacking. But every once in a while, I find that gem that becomes a new favorite.

I love meeting servers who are knowledgeable and welcoming and who make me feel like they appreciate me and my business. When that is combined with great food, I feel like I have struck gold.

I love the hunt for a great dining experience, I love meeting new people, and I love meeting owners who are passionate about their restaurant because that passion rubs off on me and makes me appreciate that restaurant even more.

• Izzy Kharasch,, is a well known restaurant consultant in the Chicago area. He has worked with 700+ restaurants around the country. He would be happy to offer business readers a free phone consultation. Contact him at

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