
Many shrubs have grown and need a trim

Prune shrubs that put on a lot of growth this year. Growth will be mostly hardened off in early July, so there should be minimal new growth when pruned at this time.

Keep shrubs in proper scale for your garden by pruning as needed. Try using a pair of hand pruners instead of an electric hedge clipper to create a more natural look by making individual cuts at different heights throughout the shrubs.

For a more formal look, make cuts at the same height. Prune right above the leaves to help hide the cuts. Careful pruning will leave the plants smaller but not looking “sheared.”

Remove dead wood as necessary. Avoid pruning panicle hydrangeas as they are just now starting to flower. Other shrubs, such as lilacs and viburnums, are setting flower buds, so think about how your pruning will affect next year's flower display.

• Some varieties of crabapples are very susceptible to a fungal disease called apple scab, and those not treated in spring may be losing their leaves at this time. The remaining leaves will develop black and yellow spots.

Spraying with a fungicide now will not help, but do give the affected tree extra care by providing supplemental water as needed and fertilizing in fall or next spring. Consider replacing disease-prone trees with resistant varieties.

• Bearded iris can be divided and replanted after they have finished blooming. Be sure to discard any shriveled or diseased parts. Be careful not to plant the new sections too deeply.

• Continue to closely monitor any plants you have planted this year to provide extra water with the hotter and drier weather. These new plants can quickly dry out and be damaged as they are just getting established. Any plants installed over the last couple of years should also be checked and watered as needed.

• Tim Johnson is director of horticulture at Chicago Botanic Garden,

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