
More seniors could soon qualify for property tax freeze

The income cap for Illinois senior citizens to qualify for a freeze on their property tax assessments could be raised from $65,000 to $75,000 under proposed legislation from state Sen. Laura Murphy.

The Senior Citizens Homestead Act provides that Illinois residents ages 65 and older can apply for a property tax exemption that would freeze their property tax assessments, reducing the impact of tax increases stemming from rising property values.

“The goal is to keep senior citizens in their homes,” said Murphy, a Democrat from Des Plaines. “Our senior citizens have earned that right to remain in their homes. We are trying to do everything we can to assist them staying in their homes.”

Seniors who meet the income qualification can apply for the property tax freeze exemption at their county assessor's office.

Illinois has among the highest property taxes in the country, largely because the state relies heavily on property taxes to pay for local schools. Murphy says that puts a burden on older residents.

“We know we have a property tax problem in Illinois and we are trying to do things that when your income freezes, as a senior citizen's or disabled person's would, we are trying to do things that would assist you staying in your home,” Murphy said. “On a fixed income the difference between $100 and $200 can be the difference between staying in your home or not.”

Murphy said the bill can save money in the long run for the state.

“Not only does it help for the well-being of senior citizens in their own home, it is proven they are more productive, they are healthier ... and that of course relieves the state for any burden they might incur for housing and health care benefits,” Murphy said.

Murphy's bill passed through its second reading Tuesday on the Senate floor.

The Illinois Municipal League opposed the bill. A spokesman could not be reached for comment.

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