
Villa Park seeks public input on Lufkin Park redevelopment

Villa Park is seeking input from residents about potential redevelopment of Lufkin Park, and officials would like to hear from them as quickly as possible.

The village plans to apply for a 2021 Illinois state matching-grant program to help redevelop the park at 1000 S. Ardmore Ave., but the grant application deadline is Sept. 1.

"Whether you live near Lufkin or not, we need your input," Villa Park Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee member Cheryl Tucker said during Monday's village board meeting.

Tucker highlighted two public meetings scheduled for 9 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 14, and 7 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 18, in the Community Recreation Building in Lions Park, 320 E. Wildwood St. Tucker also said parks and recreation officials would take input from residents who cannot attend in person if they call (630) 834-8970 by Aug. 18.

Villa Park is vying for an Open Space Land Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) grant, which is a program of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. It provides funding assistance of up to 50% on project costs and/or land acquisition if a local government can demonstrate the ability to finance the remaining costs of an approved project.

Parks and recreation director Greg Gola said OSLAD grants had initially been cut from the 2021 IDNR budget, in part, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Gola learned in late July the grants were reinstated.

"The idea is that a lot of other park districts and recreation departments aren't going to be ready to move forward with their grants because it was a month's notice," he said. "We are under a time constraint."

Villa Park Village Manager Richard Keehner Jr. said about $8,000 is in the village budget for Lufkin Park, and the OSLAD grant rider would be for about $5,600. Keehner suggested grant funds could be applied to ADA-accessible amenities such as a spray park, a playground or bathrooms.

"(Lufkin Pool) has been gone for several years. Staff has talked about many different options for Lufkin Park," he said. "We've been preparing for this for probably for about 18 months."

But for parks and recreation advisory committee member Donna Noxon, the grant timetable was too short.

"Rushing into grants in the past has resulted in the village not getting grants," Noxon said. "How can we digest, interpret and come up with a solid plan from input meetings, to send to the board to approve, to then write a solid grant?"

Villa Park village Trustee Deepasriya Kumar agreed the turnaround time is rushed, especially since the village board would need to approve the grant proposal at its Aug. 23 meeting. But Kumar still felt Villa Park should try for the grant money.

"I understand the need to go fast and get it done," she said. "But it is very important that we get the best input possible and assess what this village needs."

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