
Catherine O'Shea: 2022 candidate for U.S. House 6th District


Party: Republican

Office sought: U.S. House 6th District

City: Oak Lawn

Age: 57

Occupation: Managing Broker/ Owner of O'Shea Realty, LLC

Previous offices held: Worth Township Trustee of Schools (President and Co-Chair on the Legislative Committee for oak lawn Chamber of Commerce)


What needs to be done to get Congress to work constructively, whether that be senators and representatives of both parties working with each other or Congress itself working with the president?

Elect candidates that have experience in negotiating with opposition and reaching agreements. I have 33 years experience in doing just that.

What is your position on changing voter access?

Voter ID is a must. Clean voter roles and have our military reserves or hired security monitoring polling places.

Do you recognize that the election of Joe Biden as president in 2020 was legitimate and fair? If not, why?

That is unknown as far as legitimate until an honest investigation is done. Aside from the machines, ballot harvesting, sharpies, the dead voting, ballots ran through system more than once and three states stopped counting at the same time raises a legitimate enormous amount of doubt with the American people. However, for the one simple fact that in some states others who had no authority to change election rules besides the state legislatures, and yet they did, which makes the state certifications voidable. It was clearly not fair with what we all have witnessed.

What, if anything, should Congress do to prevent another violent attack such as the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the Capitol?

Perhaps Nancy Pelosi needs to answer that question. She was asked to provide more security ahead of time and it was ignored. Almost all of the people in protest wanted there voices heard and had no intention of destruction of any kind. There are videos we have seen of security moving gates and waving protesters forward and inside. Many unanswered questions still today.

What do you consider America's role in world affairs? In particular, what should our role be regarding current points of tension involving Russia/Ukraine, the future of Taiwan or other threats of Chinese expansionism and the Middle East?

America is not being admired on the world stage. We look weak. Our country is being dismantled by the democrats. Strategically, the Biden administration has put Americans in positions of not need vs want but need vs. what do I need more than the other in every category. When we strengthen our country we can then be the role model once again. We have always been generous to other countries. We need to tighten the belt and strengthen America first. I certainly empathize with the Ukrainian citizens. With China getting stronger it is not wise to continue weakening our country. There is no other place to go with the life liberty and pursuit of happiness in the way our U.S Constitution provides.

Do you acknowledge humans' role in causing climate change? What steps should government be taking to address the issue?

Mother nature will always win, However, we must respect our land, water and all Gods creations. We can also use the resources God has given us and be independent once again.

Please define your position on health care reform, especially as it relates to the Affordable Care Act.

I am for keeping your insurance if you wish. I am for putting parents on the adult children's plan. I see so many situations where the elderly are losing their homes due to medical expenses. This will be less government involvement and expense, along with keeping the elderly in their home.

What immigration policies do you support? Where, if at all, do you see room for compromise to produce an effective policy on immigration? Does the government have any responsibility toward Dreamers who were brought to the United States illegally as children and are now adults? How will these policies affect your district?

I am for legal immigration. My grandparents and ex-husband came from Ireland legally. Other than Native Americans, Our ancestors are all immigrants. A pathway to citizenship for those who are here is something I am willing to take on. Criminal activity by illegal immigrants must be deportation. The process needs an overhaul with more speed. We need our southern border closed as well due to drug and human trafficking.

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