
Greener Glenview series looks at light pollution

In the first of a three-part series funded by a 2023 Judy Beck Grant, Greener Glenview will present a program on light pollution at the Glenview Public Library April 10.

"Hidden in Plain Sight: How Artificial Light at Night Impacts the Environment and Human Health" will be held at 7 p.m. Monday in the library's Community Room.

Robert Sullivan, a former Argonne National Laboratory environmental scientist with decades of experience on the subject, will present scientific research on the impact of artificial light on nature and on people's health.

"Village commissions evaluate lighting during their review of new and expanded business developments, in accordance with design guidelines and ordinances," said Sheri Latash, Greener Glenview co-founder.

"Currently, there is no requirement to consider the wide-ranging effects of ALAN (Artificial Light at Night) on the environment and human health as part of that evaluation. We hope that information presented in this program will factor into future decision-making related to nighttime lighting," she added.

Future Greener Glenview presentations funded by Beck Grants will focus on the impacts of noise and traffic.

For information on Greener Glenview, visit

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