
Lake County Forest Preserve District likely to ask voters for more money in 2024

Lake County Forest Preserve District officials are planning to place a referendum question for more funds on the November 2024 ballot.

How much will be sought, how the money would be used and whether or to what extent individual tax bills would be affected are yet to be determined.

It would be the district's first referendum since 2008. The process to get a question on the ballot officially is underway with the board's unanimous approval of its annual budget policy and strategic action plan Wednesday.

"Right now, we are absolutely out of capital dollars," said Rebekah Snyder, director of community engagement and partnerships for the Preservation Foundation, the district's charitable arm. "We'll put together what staff thinks is the best approach."

More detailed information will be presented to commissioners July 12 at an informal meeting.

The referendum appears midway through the 20-page document that serves as an annual guide to top staff members for preparing next year's proposed budget.

A referendum would raise funds for land preservation and improve access and restoration initiatives. Officials plan to educate the public on the effects on district programs and taxpayers.

In 2008, the question of whether the district should borrow $185 million received overwhelming support, with two-thirds of voters in favor.

About 70% of the money was earmarked for land acquisition, allowing the district to add more than 4,000 acres - nearly twice as much as expected as prices fell during the Great Recession. The remainder was spent on habitat, trail or preserve projects.

The entire $185 million has been spent or spoken for, and district officials say they have been holding the line on spending and pushing harder for grants, donations, cost-sharing opportunities and revenue other than property taxes.

Several criteria including "equitable access" would be used to evaluate projects or initiatives to pursue with referendum proceeds. Projects that would save money, need to be finished or are eligible for matching grants would be among likely contenders, officials said.

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Lake County forest district to issue last of $185M OK'd by voters for land

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