
Navigant Law Offers Young Adult Document Day

Very few parents realize that despite their best intentions, when a child turns 18, the parents are limited in what they can do to help their child in a medical emergency, or with financial matters, or even for the day-to-day business of living, if appropriate legal documents are not in place. To assist, Navigant Law Group, LLC. will provide a 1-day Young Adult Document Signing Day on December 29.

"We want to make sure parents understand this is not a scare tactic or a means of drumming up business," said Navigant Founding Partner Mildred Palmer. "The law is very specific; once someone reaches the age of 18, they are considered an adult and parents can no longer make decisions in an emergency without specific authorization."

Palmer notes that the documents needed can be drafted and implemented easily and affordably. She referenced powers of attorney documents for healthcare, a HIPAA authorization, and an advance care directive (living will) as necessary, along with a recommendation for a power of attorney for property.

"Because they are young and likely with limited assets or family responsibilities these are fairly routine documents. We can draft them quickly in a single meeting."

To that end, Navigant will host a Young Adult Document Signing Day on December 29 at their Arlington Heights office, located at 3030 W. Salt Creek Lane, Suite 330.

"We have found that families are generally available while kids are on Christmas break from school," Palmer said. "We make it simple by providing resources on a specific day to efficiently get things done."

Palmer noted that she was inspired to offer this service after a close client of hers had a daughter out of state who incurred a medical emergency and the hospital would not share any information with the parents.

"I realized the hospital was right," Palmer said. "By law, without authorization they couldn't even say if the daughter had been admitted, what condition she was in, or even if she was alive. I don't want any parent to go through that."

Interested parents simply need to reserve a half-hour slot between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on the 29th to get the documents in place. Navigant offers the complete service for a flat fee of $415.

"Everyone walks away with appropriate coverage in place and peace of mind," Palmer said. "As a mother of four, this is something I did with my children when they turned 18."

She also added that the attorneys will throw in a "legal pep talk" at no extra charge.

"We spend a few minutes talking to the kids about what to do if they are ever in a legal predicament. Over the years we have actually found it to be very effective as a number of students have called us when they are in a situation that they are afraid to tell their parents about. Of course, we will assist them in talking to their parents at that time but also provide immediate guidance."

To reserve a timeslot at the Young Adult Document Signing Day call Navigant Law Group at (847) 253-8800.

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