
Chicago area volunteer group says our wilderness needs help and invites you to get involved Nov. 5

On Nov. 5, the Peregrines, a recently created group of young-ish volunteer ecosystem restorationists, encourage anyone in northeast Illinois to join them and learn how they can make a difference for nature. The group meets each weekend to help steward various nature preserves throughout the Chicago area.

Biodiversity globally is under decline. The story closer to home is no different. The Peregrines help protect Illinois' wilderness by removing invasive plants, planting natives, collecting seeds and building camaraderie at many of Illinois' precious places: from rare fens to dunes and prairies to striking oak savannas.

On Sunday, Nov. 5, from 1-4 p.m., the Peregrines will host a fall kickoff at Somme Prairie Grove Nature Preserve, a high-quality prairie and savanna in Northbrook, Illinois. All are invited to join in this celebratory workday - no experience required.

"These precious remnants need community-minded people who are interested in learning by doing and working collaboratively to restore ecological health to these sites," Peregrines founder Alice Berchiolli said. "If this sounds like you or someone you know, please spread the word and join in on Nov. 5. "

"Volunteer stewardship efforts like the Peregrines give people a way to make a globally significant impact by helping the environment and biodiversity in our own backyards," said Jonathan Sabath, who works with the Peregrines in his role as field representative for Friends of Illinois Nature Preserves. "Most people know that we have to save the rainforest, but fewer people know that even rarer temperate prairies, savannas and woodlands are equally important. And they're our responsibility, here, where we live."

Several key figures of Chicago area nature preservation will work alongside us on the fifth, teaching us what makes Somme special, and offering inspiration.

Come to learn, enjoy nature, empower threatened ecosystems, and be purposeful with your Sunday afternoon!

To RSVP, write to or fill out this form:

Find details about the event at

Parking details will be provided by email closer to the date.

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