
Darren Parochelli: Candidate Profile

Kane County board District 21 (Democrat)

Note: Answers provided have not been edited for grammar, misspellings or typos. In some instances, candidate claims that could not be immediately verified have been omitted. Jump to:BioKey IssuesQA Bio City: West DundeeWebsite: Candidate did not respond.Office sought: Kane County board District 21Age: 49Family: Married 2 childrenOccupation: Brick and stone masonEducation: Bachelor of science in aeronautics St Louis U, Associate of science in aircraft maintenance mangement St. Louis UCivic involvement: Freinds of the fox,rehabing Switzer inviromental centerElected offices held: noneHave you ever been arrested for or convicted of a crime? If yes, please explain: noCandidate's Key Issues Key Issue 1 Ethics reformKey Issue 2 eliminate pay for play politcsKey Issue 3 Lowering county taxesQuestions Answers Did the county board get it right when they decided to leave an ethics ordinance that is more stringent but more open to a legal challenge in place? Would you support the creation of more detailed economic interest statements?Only half way ,they should have made the ordinance say That any board member talking money from a vendor or contractor doing business for the county will not be able to vote oncontracts involving those vendors or contractors. Any board member not disclosing they took money from a vendor or contactor should be removed from office. this will eliminate the current pay for play system. i also beleive that any vendor or contractor doing work for county should not be able to bid on county contracts.Would you support the buildout of the shell space in the Kane County jail if it could be shown that the space could/would be used to increase profits from housing federal inmates?only if the profit increases and the local taxpayer doesnt have to foot the bill.Do you believe the county court system needs a computer system upgrade that might cost as much as $12.6 million? If so, do you support using RTA sales tax money to fund it, or do you have a different plan? If not, what is your alternative plan?I dont think we need to spend 12.6 million taxpayer dollarsfor a new computer after we just purchased one ithink 2 years ago for about 8 million. Youll have to check the exact amount and the time they did this. Dupage county officials have offered to show us how to do this free of charge and make the computer more efficient and saving tax payers a ton of money.Do you support the call by the state's attorney and public defender for raises for their staffs? Where should that money come from?I do not support the pay increase there should be a wage freeze and all board members should take a pay cut. As a board memberyou should lead by example. True leaders cut in their own back yard and with the board giving themselves pay raises proves that they are not and looking out for themselves. This proposed cut wouild help keep costs down and help to try and LOWER CONUTY TAXES.What aspects of the Fabyan/Settlers Hill campus redevelopment vision created by the task force do you support? What should happen to the old county jail property?I support that redevolpmentplan.That spot would be great for economic devolpment bring in a businees that would help bring jobs and sales tax or other tax revenues to help the county.