
Sugar Grove American Legion announces formation of the Sons of the American Legion Squadron #1271

Sugar Grove, Illinois, April 3rd, 2011: The Sugar Grove American Legion Post 1271 is proud to announce the formation of the latest Sons of the American Legion squadron today. In a ceremony presided over by Garret Slevin Jr., Detachment Commander, 2nd division, Mark Melone, Past Detachment Commander 2nd Division, and Bob Beetham, Post Commander of the American Legion Post 1271 in Sugar Grove, the latest squadron was proudly given their charter and the first founding officers were officially sworn in. Also in attendance were multiple officers of the Illinois Department of the American Legion's 2nd division, the American Legion Posts 1271 and 489, and the 2nd Division President of the Ladies Auxiliary.

The Sons of the American Legion is an organization within the American Legion and consists of the male descendants of Veterans of all branches of the US Military. They currently have more than 14,800 members in Illinois and over 331,000 members nationally. For more information or membership inquiries contact, Jason Dorneden, Squadron Commander, at 630-466-9700.

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