
5 great coaching meltdowns

White Sox manager Robin Ventura has been ejected from a few games for arguing calls, but he took it to another level Wednesday in San Francisco.

Ventura kicked dirt and got in the face of umpires after a call at home plate was overturned following a review.

Here are a few more great coaching rants:

'I'm a man! I'm 40"

Oklahoma State coach Mike Gundy became a YouTube legend following a rant directed at a reporter who wrote a story criticizing one of his players. The video has more than 3 million views on YouTube.

Stealing bases

In 2007, then minor league Mississippi Braves manager Phil Wellman went viral with his outburst after being ejected. Wellman picked up second and third base, army crawled in the infield and pretended the rosin bag was a grenade - lobbing it at the home plate umpire - before exiting, stage outfield.


A young Peyton Manning throws 4 interceptions in a 40-21 loss to the San Francisco 49ers and Colts coach Jim Mora doesn't want to hear a word about the playoffs.

Sweet Lou's first Cubs' ejection

Lou Piniella could get a little feisty on the diamond - just type in Lou Piniella on YouTube and watch. So Cubs fans were waiting for him to get ejected and he didn't disappoint them. And yes, that's the same Mark Wegner that got White Sox TV announcer Hawk Harrelson fired up in 2012.

'The Managers are going at it'

Usually, managers are the voice of reason during bench clearing brawls, by White Sox manager Terry Bevington and Brewers manager Phil Garner poured fuel on the fire when they got into it after a bang-bang play at third base.

White Sox’ Ventura has epic reaction after call overturned

Mike North video: Ventura goes off at Sox game

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